Staying Creative—Forget the Noun; do the verb


Creative is not a noun. One has to have actually done something before it can be said that that he has/she has done something. Forget about arriving at a position, being a painter. Concentrate on doing the verb instead, painting. Sad, but true, many people would like to be considered a painter, but are not willing to do the work of painting, painting a lot. Artists are in process, in the process of doing. Even when/if we are referred to as an artist, continue the doing. Do not take yourself so seriously that you can’t maintain a playfulness with your painting. Have fun.

      All of the above was taken from Austin Kleon’s book Steal Like an Artist Audio Trilogy. The remaining is just me. 

        Today I painted most of the day on three separate pieces I have started. When I finally did clean up my brushes, I was exhausted and not happy with what I had done. However, I comforted myself in knowing that I am doing the work, just not as well as I would like. Perhaps, I am guilty of taking myself too seriously. Learn to play, Perry. Lighten up, for Pete’s sake! Put on music. Dance while painting! Live it up!
