He’s Back!!!

       I can’t believe it! My studio assistant of long ago showed back up yesterday. Woody and I have a history, a colorful history. For a long time he helped out in my studio, cleaned up at the end of painting sessions, kept supplies stocked and organized, and sometimes offered unsolicited advice about paintings. I endured his nonstop talking for the most part, although there were a few times I threatened him with a fan brush. But for the most part, he was company and was actually helpful, saving me time that I could spend painting. Then…the job offer. He said he had applied for a job with a headhunter service. An opportunity was waiting for him with an art supply company, Doodles Unlimited. He said it was an offer he couldn’t refuse. Now, I’m not one to hold anyone back from self-improvement, so after expressing my feelings of loss, I wished him well. I saw him off. He caught a ride on a pulpwood truck headed north. 

         Time passed as it always does, and my memories of Woody came less frequently with the passing days that turned into weeks, months, and then years. We had a good run while it lasted, and I had no regrets. However, life sometimes takes strange twists. Yesterday, Woody showed up. He called me while I was working at Gallery 11 in Charleston Town Center. I was gobsmacked when I heard that grainy voice, that voice from my past. The truth be told, Woody has had a string of bad luck with Doodles Unlimited. The company has upgraded from wooden mannequins to pliable plastic figures. The poor boy has found himself unmarketable…sad state. I am his last chance. What could I say? …Woody is back and is still offering unsolicited advice.
