Self Portait

 Rembrandt painted over one hundred self portraits in various media. He may or may not have been vain, but hiring a live model was time-consuming, troublesome, and expensive. Many times painting himself was no doubt a matter of convenience. One’s face and figure is as near as a mirror, and personality conflicts with the model are rare, unless there is a problem with schizophrenia. Rembrandt would often dress in outlandish customs and arrange a setting. His self portraits offer an intimate view of his development, both artistically and personally.  With the exception of workshops, I’ve never hired a model to sit for me. However, I have no qualms about asking to take a photo of an acquaintance or relative. I did buy a makeup mirror for the studio, and I used it with this painting. Once I separated myself from myself and began to objectively paint, I didn’t feel as ridiculous. Think of it as a selfie of sorts.

