Work in Progress...Day #3 of Workshop

Three days this week, I had the opportunity of attending a landscape workshop presented by Allied Artists of West Virginia. Instructor Katriel Srebnik did a superb job, and as always, I came away reminded of how much I need to learn. When confronted with someone as talented as Srebnik, one has two choices: to either give up and stop painting in dispair or be inspired to work harder. I choose the latter response simply because I can not tolerate the first.  Once again, I realized I need to spend more time upfront rather than rushing headlong to a piece. More thought into my governing concept needs to be invested. What am I trying to say? What is the point of interest? Think about what I am doing with each stroke. This photo is my third and final painting of  the workshop. We used reference photos we brought, and this particular scene of a creek is one that I have had for some time. I am drawn to to the rocks here and the tumbling, churning water. That sense of movement, the sounds of rushing water, and the muddy smell of the moisture in the air is what I want to communicate. Time will tell if that sensory concept comes through....a lot more work needs to happen.
