Work in Progress 16x20

Through the years, I have begun several collections. At one time I collected blue dishes. At the same time, I had an ongoing teapot collection, and then there was that apple jag. Without deliberately making the decision to collect, I have realized that I have an affinity for wood items, especially old wood. Items we choose to accumulate reveal a great deal about us. A friend and I visited a home that included an old car/truck collection in the back yard. The piddly collections I ever entertained paled in comparison to what I saw that day. I was totally amazed by the scope and labor involved in such an undertaking. More than one vehicle had full-grown trees growing up through hoods, cabs, and truck beds. This work in progress was inspired by photos taken that day. The challenge was capturing the sense of time involved, the age of the old truck, the permanence of placement. Something tells me this one won't be moved off the lot anytime soon.
