Moving Forward

      After deciding months ago to relocate to another state,  I have been consumed by the specter of such a move. Many  waking hours have been devoted to disposing of the unnecessaries and deciding what to take and leave behind, a painful process at times. The reality is that we need far less stuff than what we have, and I like others, have accumulated far more than I want to load onto a moving truck.   My painting accouterments, however, rank as a must take, along with prescribed meds and toothbrush. Throughout the weeks of preparation, I have continued to paint with only basic supplies.  However, this last week my studio equipment was dismantled  and packed along with other supplies. I'm left with the last fragments (pictured here) of more than 10 years in this space. I consider this room a holy place, the first real studio I ever had, a space for which I will always be grateful. It was within these walls, I began to hear my artistic voice, a timid whisper that is slowly gaining a more confident volume. Before this space, I resorted to carving out spaces in the garage, outbuildings, and kitchen tables, anywhere that remotely accompanied the need to snatch an moment, however fleeting, of creating a world of my own making. Soon, I will  be painting in a space twice as large which has been recently refloored and painted. Track lighting has been installed, and I AM STOKED about painting in a new environment, but this space will never be forgotten. I consider it a thin space, a space that allows one to cross over into another reality. Be on the lookout for Open Air in Kanawha County, WV courtesy of NanPerryArt.


  1. I am so excited for you and this new adventure! There is Big, Big magic coming your way.

    1. Marcia, you have impacted my life in ways that I am just now beginning to understand, and as time passes, I will understand with greater clarity. Truly incredible...this Big Magic...and YOU.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Amy, can't believe navigating this blog reply, your comments were deleted, and your words were so beautifully inspiring. ....totally frustrated with myself. Please, let's keep tabs on each other. We share common ground that is worth maintaining. If your former comments are still visible...please repost. Thank you for encouragement, always timely and on the mark.

  3. Can't believe it...I have deleted your beautiful words! I am totally frustrated with myself. If they are visible to you, please repost. Let's keep tabs on each other, Amy. We share a ground that is not impacted by miles. Thank you for being so encouraging.


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