Back in B.R. (Before Retirement), I would drive by this place often en-route to work. I remember having the random thought that the spot would be a fun location to plein air paint with its patchwork quilt effect roof and the menagerie of farm equipment randomly parked around. The random thought of painting there was tucked away in the "When I Retire" file, and life rolled on. This week, that random idea/goal became a reality as early Friday morning, I set up my gear in the shade of the hay barn and began painting. This old truck, irresistibly parked in bright sunlight begged to be included. In looking at photos afterwards of completed field pieces, mistakes pop out, and I always wonder why didn't I notice that while painting. However, in defense of myself, plein air painting demands speed because of changing light, and the eye simply doesn't catch them, or mine doesn't. As I continue this gig, hopefully, improvement will decrease the number of painting bloopers. For now, however, I usually have to "clean up" mistakes in the studio, and this piece is no exception. I have learned to not be so hard on myself and just enjoy the process. Every mistake is an opportunity to learn, and I have so many learning opportunities.
I love it! It is my childhood home. Can I purchase it for my little brother?