Open Air in Clay County--Young's Farm Supply #2

Barns, old trucks, and tractors of any description can not be ignored, so I moved to the front of the building and included the red tractor. Several changes need to be made with this piece as well, but I can do that later. The sun was hot by mid-morning, but I have an umbrella especially for plein air painting. However, the gravel around this building was packed so hard that the umbrella couldn't be inserted in the ground. I propped it on top of my car and "made do" as best I could. Painting outdoors requires fortitude and is not for weenies. One has to WANT to do this, and as sweat rolled down my back, I though of a quote by Richard Smidt on artistic talent, "...artistic skill-the ability  to draw well and make paint behave-is not a natural endowment like blue eyes or great legs. You can learn the skill required for painting in the same way you can learn anything else you are strongly drawn to..."
Evidently, I am "strongly drawn to this."  I am hooked.
