Wings of the Morning...C.D. Mitchell Farm, Airport Road

Painting outdoors brings so much pleasure; however, difficulties do present themselves. Weather is always a concern. Heat, cold, wind, rain, and etc. can be factors, and the terrain often is home to animal and plant life that can deter the plein air enthusiast. The ever-abiding concern however, is the light; it CHANGES, continually. At no time of day is that truth more obvious than at sunrise or sunset. The C.D. Mitchell farm has an incredible view at sunrise, and I wanted desperately to try my hand at painting a quick study, and I do mean quick! By the time paint was mixed, the sun was up and the image before me was totally different. In finishing, I resorted to photos I had taken. When the psalmist (Psalm 139) claimed that God would be with him even if he (psalmist)could take the "wings of the morning" and dwell in the outermost parts of the sea, he was referring to not only great distance but traveling at the speed of light, which is faster than we can fathom. It's certainly faster than I can paint.
