Miss Mary Lucas 11x14 125.00

Miss Mary Lucas was a living institution in Ashland. Of the 90 plus years she lived, most were spent in this house. Like a character from a William Faulkner novel, she was shrouded with mystery and considered eccentric. Serving on the faculty of Clay County High School for years on end, her teaching the second and third generation of families was a common occurrence. As a junior high school student, I sat in a desk during her World History class, and I experienced a range of emotions from confusion to outright fear. As I have grown older and spent a stint in the classroom myself, I have learned to appreciate and understand her more. The story was always told that her domineering father refused her marriage to the love of her life, and the rest of her days were spent taking care of him (father), the house, and teaching. ...Makes for a tear-jerker of a movie. I do know that I interviewed Miss Lucas when Clay County High School celebrated it's centennial year, and I was fascinated with her. Never have I felt more welcome. I stayed about two hours longer than planned, and left wishing to stay longer. Here's to you, Miss Mary Lucas. You were a legend in our midst.
