Home of CD Mitchell, Airport Road

"Home is not a place, but a feeling," is a quote that doesn't apply to this address. This place is both a place AND a feeling. In order to catch the sunlight on the front porch, I had to set up my gear late in the afternoon, my favorite part of the day for painting.The pleasant sounds of cows in a nearby pasture interrupted the stillness occasionally, but all else was quiet and peaceful on Airport Road, not even much traffic. Well into his years, Winston Churchill took up plein air painting to relieve himself from the stress of his high pressure political career.
He claimed concentrating on the image before him, made him forget every thing else. When he returned to work, he claimed he was more competent. Amen, Winston, you were on to something. This piece will need some adjustments after it rests for a spell, but it's well on its way to completion.
