This view is from 2nd Ave North, which I grew up calling "Methodist Street," for a lot of Methodists lived on this road (sounded logical to me). Eventually, a new Methodist parsonage was built on the street, which would render the moniker even more appropriate. Back in the day, the land upon which Piggly Wiggly is constructed and the lots directly to the left were thickly wooded. My dad always said a mule barn was located directly to the viewer's left, behind the current City Hall. A mule barn would have been the precursor to a car dealership, I suppose. This view is looking east toward the courthouse and rear of the "business district" on that side of the square. The morning light does a wonderful dance on these buildings. While walking, I always enjoy watching this display. In this study, the incline of road and the left rear parking lot behind the stores seems to be "off" somehow, not sure in what way. I need to ponder this image. There is promise here. I think there is a painting here. Art involves problem-solving, which is yet another reason why art classes need to be a part of any school curriculum. The question, " What needs to happen to make this work?" is always the driving objective.
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