Story of the Poinsettia... sold

       The story is told of Pepita and Pedro, two cousins on their way to Christmas Eve Services. Pepita was sad for she, being poor, had no gift to give the baby Jesus. Pedro her young cousin tried to cheer her up. "Pepita," he said, "I'm sure that even the smallest gift, given by someone who loves him will make Jesus happy."
         Pepita didn't know what she could give, so in desperation, she picked a handful of weeds from the roadside and made them into a small bouquet. Although embarrassed, she determined to offer these to Jesus. As she walked to the chapel altar, she remembered what Pedro had said and began to feel better, knelt down, and placed the bouquet at the nativity scene. Suddenly, the bouquet of weeds turned into bright red flowers, and everyone who saw them were sure they had witnessed a miracle.             From that day on, the bright red flowers were known as the 'Flores de Noche Buena,' or 'Flowers of the Holy Night.' The shape of the poinsettia and leaves are thought as symbols of the star of Bethlehem which led worshipers to the Christ child. The red color symbolizes the blood of Christ and the white leaves represent his purity.
