Unless I am commissioned to paint something for an individual, I always paint something that piques my interest. The image that grabs my attention may involve light's unusual or interesting behavior on an object. The draw could be something whimsical or perhaps something that triggers a memory from my life. This painting involves two of the above: the play of light and memory. While on a trip out West, three days were spent in the Santa Fe area, a place that I fell in love with. In fact, New Mexico is one of several states to which I could relocate with relative ease. This great chair was outside a business and begged for attention. I could not restrain myself from taking shots of it and painting a version of it upon my return home. It serves as a reminder of the wonderful trip with friends and lovely Santa Fe. This piece would fare well in any setting but especially in one with a western flair. The warmth of this piece would bring comfort to any room, an invitation to "sit down and make yourself at home."
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