Figurative Painting #1 AAC

October  6-11 marked the 25th Anniversary of the Sarah Carlisle Towery-Alabama Art Colony. This yearly event, conducted at Children's Harbor on Lake Martin near Alexander City, AL, provides regional artists with an intensive, hands-on learning opportunity. The quality of this event is such that schools with art programs often award scholarships to their art teachers in order to provide  faculty members with this unique, exposure in the arts as part of the educator's ongoing professional credit.  This October marked my tenth year to attend, and as always, I returned home inspired and determined to continue creative pursuits with a broader knowledge base. Of the three classes offered, I chose oil painting under the instruction of Julee Hutchinson. The focus of the class was figurative painting which entailed live models, the first being ballet dancers... challenging, but such a treat. My goal here is not to achieve a likeness so much as capturing the gesture of the form. I have included an image of the model and resulting painting. 
