The Post Gate 16x20 Sold

"...Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his: He changeth the times and the seasons... Daniel 2:21a

 Humanity, especially the American culture,  lives by the dictates of the clock. On any given day, my watch is ever reminding me of the status of  my day. I look in the mirror, and I am rudely reminded that "time is marching on."  The seasons of the year are reminders, gateposts by which time is measured in human terms. However, time does not exist in reality; time functions only as markers in this human experience. In reality, IT DOES NOT EXIST!!! I don't know about you, but I love that idea. When painting, I experience the non-existence of time in a small degree. I look up and hours have passed, and I have just started, or so it seems. Anyone who spends time in a creative endeavor or involved in something he/she loves, be it music, drama, or whatever, understands totally of what I speak. The animal kingdom certainly understands and lives in that timeless realm. My cats could care less about the time of day.  We need to remember that this "time" business is only a temporal arrangement; it's not the real deal. Knowing that helps me to enjoy on a deeper level the physical changes wrought by the passage of "time," and some I don't have to take so seriously. This painting is one that is long gone, but it does depict my favorite season: the fall of the year, now. I have always enjoyed the fall of the year. Some of my earliest paintings were feeble attempts of capturing the autumn colors. God's paintbrush is much more believable than mine.
