I've always been a dog lover and decreed cats a nuisance. "They get on my nerves," was my justification. I never intended to become a caretaker of cats UNTIL my potted plants became threatened by a swollen population of squirrels, specifically ground squirrels, those little ones with the cute name "chipmunks." Don't let the cute name fool you. They can destroy a potted plant in a heartbeat. My extermination campaign finally resorted to getting a cat, the ultimate weapon. I have kept at least one cat around ever since...no more pesky, plant-destroying ground squirrels. My newest executioner is a sweet-faced female, Rheudine, who shows great promise. In her honor, I thought I would paint her portrait, documenting her youth. In addition, I have posted her photo, the one used for reference. She refused to sit for the portrait.
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