Psalm 1:3

"... like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth fruit in due season." Scriptures are full of figurative writing devices (metaphors, similes, etc) which are designed to teach abstract truth. Concepts such as mercy, forgiveness, love, and  righteousness are often difficult for us to fathom in a concrete fashion, but scriptures help us to grasp what these concepts look like by using comparisons with images we do understand. I was reminded of this yesterday while painting at Delta Lake. These trees were right on the bank. Little wonder,  being so close to a water source, that they were beautiful in the morning sun. Psalm 1 compares a person who orders his/her life on the promises of God's word to such trees as these. By looking at such trees, we can understand what Godly living looks like and the results of such a lifestyle.
