I knew I would return to this old home, and as soon as weather permitted, I DID! Perfect weather for plein air painting and perfect environment. Plein air is not for every artist, for the conditions are seldom perfect. Heat, cold, wind, bugs, snakes, and the physical exhaustion of transporting gear discourages many, but this home has the luxury of a nicely mowed lawn and a safe environment...can't ask for better. I took props. The clothesline appealed to me too much to pass up the opportunity to recreate a scene that would have been typical when the Gays occupied the home. Freshly laundered clothing left in the sun to dry is an appealing, nostalgic scene. That's what we have here. Although sloppy in part, I like this scene enough to try to recreate it on a larger canvas in my studio. ...love this place. I keep saying that. Clean, brightly-colored clothes hanging in the morning sun calls to mind the words of David to God, "...wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow." ...a wonderful truth associated with this image.
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