Work in Progress...Security 9x12

Hi, Woody here for this morning's update. Yesterday, Perry stayed cooped up in the studio. She painted all day, which would bore me out of my mind. She briefed me on what she accomplished, which was basically prep work for several pieces. She has an art festival in October, and she's trying to pump up her inventory she said. People ask how long it takes to finish a painting, and that's a difficult question to answer, for she usually has several pieces in process at the same time. That way, if she gets tired of a particular piece or gets stumped with a problem, she can move on to the something else. Consequently, knowing how long she worked on a particular painting is a tough call. Now, you understand, I'm just a mannequin and know nothing about art, and frankly, don't care to know. This is just my job, and I'm trying to earn my paycheck with a clean conscience, so I will try to explain what she did yesterday. Normally, if she isn't painting outside (plein air), she using photo references either from magazines or photos. Now, she may combine photos or use just part of a photo, but there is a germ of an idea that has generated the idea behind the painting. Yesterday she worked with a photo of a mare and her colt. Her first step was to sketch the figures of mare and foal with a brush using a thinned wash of color. Afterwards, she blocked in the dark areas. Normally, she paints from the dark to the light, meaning she first paints the dark values, then mid-values, and saving the lighter values to the last. Any accents or highlights are the last details to be addressed. I have downloaded a photo of the sketching/blocking stage, and then the piece as she left it. She obviously is not finished, but I like this one, or I think I do. Of course, you already know I don't know anything about art, but ol' Woody knows what he likes, and I do like horses. Maybe that's what art is all about, just enjoying those sights and impressions that resonate, even if you are a mannequin.
