Plein Air Session #4

It has been said we do not have to travel far to see wonders, but if you are like me, you often overlook them simply because they are seen daily. Their familiarity breeds indifference. I always remember when my son's-in-law parents visited for the first time from Texas; they were overwhelmed by the beauty of Hwy 77 from Talladega. They thought the mountains and rolling hills were beautiful. How many times have I boogied down that route and never paid it a second look? ...countless, that's how many. One of the benefits of painting outdoors, or indoors for that matter, is that the painter is forced to LOOK at his/her surroundings and pay attention.  That, my friend, makes the effort worthwhile if for no other reason. This piece was done in my own yard, so convenient; yet, so often I  overlook what is under my nose and think I have to travel to paint. Subjects are everywhere if I will just LOOK.
