Liberated Woman 12x24 $200.00

Most of us have been there. If not, we soon will be. We've had enough of the stress, obligations, and demands of the job, the relationship, or life in general. We feel like chunking it all, maybe checking out of Dodge. Most of us don't. We cope, maybe learn to soothe ourself in rational ways. I would like to think this young woman is on her lunch break from a job that has her tied in knots. SHE IS FED UP. Rather than implode, she borrows an old bike from a kid on the street and goes on a lark. For a few minutes, she "chunks" it all and enjoys the carefree sensation of childhood. Afterwards, life seems better; things don't seem so bad. She just may survive. I like this woman, her spunk, her determination in refusing to cave in, a liberated woman.
