Learning to live in the bounty... Psalm 50:10-12

"...for the world is mine and all that is in it."  Slowly, very slowly, I am learning to live in the flow of God's bounty. Rather than look at my resources, which are basically nonexistent, I am learning to shift my focus from my lack to God's plenty. Some days, are better than others, I'll admit, but I'm  amazed at my Father's faithfulness in reminding me to shape up. This very large piece is still in progress and is part of an even larger exhibit that will be on permanent display at Randolph County's soon-to-be-completed Tanner Health Center located in Wedowee. Part of the facility will include work by local artists. Although not a citizen of Randolph County, I was extended an invitation to paint a scene that depicted this part of Alabama. I chose a typical scene of distant blue mountains with the morning sun doing its dance in the trees. In the distance...yes, cows and a fishpond. Straight up Alabama. More work is needed, but it's working for me.  All artists were given color swatches of the furniture and paint and even the canvas. The idea behind this project is the healing capabilities of the arts. How cool is that?? ...a hospital that has art galleries. I can live with that. Maybe others can too.   I need help with a title, by the way.  Any suggestions??
