John 15:5 11x14

This was a commission piece that was a gift to one whose favorite verse is John 15:5. Little wonder  this verse is  favored by many, for if taken to heart, a LOT of stress can be eliminated from our lives.  Jesus, the master teacher, knew his students and with what they identified. The image of vineyards and their care was within their frames of reference. Perhaps some who heard these very words had spent time in the vineyards and had a first-hand knowledge. The business of the branch is simply to hang around, literally,  and allow the life of the vine to do its thing. Total dependence upon an indwelling life is the picture. Bearing fruit is not the business of the branch, but that of the main vine. The branch is merely a channel of the indwelling life of the vine and resulting fruit. ...sounds simple enough, but I often forget and act totally out of "branch mode." As is the case with all of scripture, this image gets richer and more profound the more we meditate on it...hence, the painting.

note: Woodrow will be off on Sundays; I thought he needed one day to himself. He has introduced himself as Woody, but he is really Woodrow Timberline. I think he is doing satisfactory with his job, although he has no experience with this type of work, and I'm sure he will make bloopers, but he's young and learning. Feel free to offer suggestions or even complain, but send me a text if that's the case. I wouldn't hurt his feelings for anything.
