Woody here, after a Monday from work. Man, was I sick!!! ...must have picked up a virus over the weekend. Wooden mannequins are highly susceptible to air-borne contagions such as the one that causes the pine beetle infestations in this part of the country. I don't get outside much, but Saturday I did attend Ashland Fun Day, and although I did have a blast, I think I got too close to a pine tree that was infested. Perry will have to learn that despite my being wood, I'm not as durable as I appear. Anyway, I'm back on the job. Today's selection is We are Glad 20x20, one she was working on the other day that was causing her havoc. This is another piece on which putty was used for the background; thus, the painting is highly textured. Perry followed the advice of a faithful reader and added another gladiola bloom which improved the composition. The woman needs all the help she can get; I sure don't know how to help her. I'll download the one from the last time and you can compare the two. I think you see the obvious improvement.
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