The Story of a Mural Day 6 Life on the Farm

Today, the first paint strokes were on chairs, straight-back chairs. Once I had the brain strain eased, a plan became clear; I "saw the light." Straight back chairs and I go way back. I have vivid memories of attempting to sit in a straight chair, lean back on the two back chair legs, and prop the high back on a wall, the time-eternal, "Look at me! Ain't I cool?" trick. I was told more than once, "Stop that! You're RUIN that chair." The cure would be one nasty fall backwards. My mom did not know the term "helicopter mom." Her response to my tragic accident: "What did I tell you??" Let's just say that I am familiar with the landscape of the straight back chair. These particular chairs needed to appear as if they were placed behind the porch banisters, which sunlight and shading would accomplish. Imagine the window up and over Mrs. Mclean's desk and pockets for student work on the front doors, and you will have an idea of the final outcome. The finishing touch, of course, is the students, which is the reason for all the effort. Have a wonderful year, Mrs. Barbara McLean. I may have painted the walls, but YOU are the real creator in this room.
