By far, this day (Tuesday) has been the most discouraging. I was late getting started, which was totally my doing. Then I ran into a snag with the chairs on the porch. I was given a reference photo of a porch featuring Adorondack chairs. I wasn't too concerned about them, for I have painted them before; however, space was a problem...NOT ENOUGH. I couldn't see their looking right in the space allowed, so I responded like I often do...I procrastinated. I painted the areas about which I was sure: the upper reaches of the porch wall, under the eave. I painted the basics of the flower pots and flowers, mainly the darks. I stalled. (I have it down to a fine art.) I painted everything I could paint excluding chairs. I even did some prep work on the window that will be hung. While procrastinating, I was waiting for an idea...what could be done with the chairs, the chairs that didn't fit? By the time, I finished for the day, I did have something that resembled an idea. Why not paint straight chairs? Adequate space would allow them, and their height would render the scene more "readable," more realistic. Would teacher Barbara McLean mind if I exercised some artistic license? Let's hope so. As I left, I made a mental note to find a chair image tonight that would "fit." I think I'm feeling better already.
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