Free Rangers 11x14 Sold

In my endeavor to discover just what subjects appeal to people for art, I am always amazed. After much painting and a lot of  failure,  I have resigned myself to simply paint what I like and gives me joy. At that point, that piece is set adrift.  One of the subjects that I paint quite a bit is animals, especially animals at their comical best. All of the poultry  kingdom fall into this category.  Chickens of any strip are entertaining 24/7.  These three dudes painted in this piece were a lot of fun to me.  Consequently, this painting did not stay adrift too long. I have decided if I like what I'm painting, my delight is reflected in the work, and that pleasure is communicated to the viewer. A piece may not sell, but I have something that I like...can't go wrong with that.
