One night while painting, I was without an "idea," a subject to paint, so I decided to paint the nearest items at hand. Surprise, surprise, my brushes and paint became the topic. Of course, I have seen this done before. Few original ideas are out there. Most artists simply take the idea of another and make it their own. That is exactly what I did in my search for material, and I was happy with the results. I was so happy that this image has been used on business cards, banners, and promotional material. Sometimes, I simply stubble over ideas or maybe they run into me, for I certainly don't find them when I am LOOKING for an idea. I have found that to be true with a lot of life's blessings. Often coming from the most unexpected direction at the unexpected hour, good things just run over us.
God probably designs it that way, so we won't make the mistake of assuming we are at the controls
God probably designs it that way, so we won't make the mistake of assuming we are at the controls
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